Sunday, November 11, 2007

A few PSAs

1) People live downtown. If you're standing in line for a motivational seminar at the Majestic Theatre on Sunday morning - don't just wander out in the street without looking. Buses, taxis, churchgoers and I could be coming down the street trying to get home. And we need to turn where you just walked out into the street without looking while you're carrying your baby. Good thing I have a horn...and the green light...and I naturally drive 5 miles an hour when there are people spilling off the sidewalk there. (Normally it's for the club at Harwood and Pacific because those hootchies and Thugs just meander across the road and then give you the finger for driving on your green light.) So seriously -- I know is elemetary-ish but for God's sake LOOK before you step off a sidewalk. If your wife hadn't have hit you, I might have. sheesh.

2) If you want to gather odd looks from people, hop on your early Christmas present (A shiny new red bike) and take a leisurely ride through Deep Ellum. You'll throw everyone for a loop. I can't wait until my cup holder comes in so I can ride my bike AND have a milkshake!

3) I've updated the googlepage. Follow the link on the right. The NY trip (on the vacation page) and the Halloween 07 (on the part pix page) are both full of photos now!

4) Stars game this Friday. I'll have my camera :-)

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